Our Cycling Playlists

The songs that will keep you going all Summer long 

Cycling with music can give you the motivation to get you going. However, pairing cycling with the right music is like when the sun, moon, and stars align. It's as if something lights up inside you, giving you that endorphin rush to keep you pedaling to the beat of the song. Talk about feeling like you're living your best life!  

So what do we mean by the "right" music?  

As our friends at Cycling Tips point out, there’s plenty of evidence supporting the idea that the right music not only makes you feel more inspired and energized, but it also helps improve performance as well. Cycling and music are connected by the cadence, aka revolutions per minute (RPMs), and the beats per minute (BPMs) of the song: one revolution coincides with one pedal stroke. Depending on the song’s BPMs, you can also spin one-half of a revolution on every beat. An easy way to look for songs is to first start with your target RPMs and doubling them to find the song with the right BPM.  

Just remember that we're all built with slightly different body compositions and muscular strengths. How you choose which songs to ride along to also comes down to how big of a gear you want to push or if you're looking to just spin your legs out. It's best to do this by playing with your resistance, for more resistance leads to a lower rpm and vice versa.

With that being said, a good overall reference range to spin is anywhere between 60 - 110 RPM. You don’t want to overdo it and strain muscles by forcing too high of a cadence, but you also want to put in enough work to see results. It's always okay to play with your resistance, especially if you can't maintain your target RPM.   

Now, this is where we come in! Every now and then we'll create new playlists to help either get you going or keep you going while you ride. We'll do our best to break down each song into a more digestible format to take you through a ride from start to finish. 

A handy guide to how we chose one of our playlists

**The following ranges of RPMs are only our recommendations and not fixed ranges to match the rhythm of each song ** 

 Warm up (low resistance): 60 - 80 RPMs

  • Dua Lipa, Physical, 147 BPM

Flat ground (low to moderate resistance): 80 - 100 RPMs

  • Kanye West, Beyoncé, Jay-Z, Lift Off, 179 BPM

Climbing (moderate to high resistance): 60 - 80 RPMs

  • Toro y Moi, Freelance, 115 BPMs

Down hill (low to moderate resistance): 75 - 95 RPMs

  • San Holo, Lift me from the ground, 155 BPMs

Last stretch (low to moderate resistance): 60 - 80 RPMs

  • Katy Perry, Daisies (MK Remix), 124 BPMs

Cool down (low resistance): 30 - 50 RPMs 

  • Aloe Blacc, My way, 74 BPMs

Whether you end up adding these to your playlists to ride or just chill poolside with, feel free to add our Spotify channel as we'll be adding to this growing list all summer long. We'd love to hear from you too, and drop us message if you have any summer hits that you think we should add. As always safe travels now until then. Enjoy!  

DISCLAIMER: We are not responsible or liable for any advice, course of treatment, diagnosis or any other information, services or products that you obtain through this site.  You are encouraged to consult with your doctor with regard to this information contained on or through this website.  After reading articles, watching videos or reading other content from this website, you are encouraged to review the information carefully with your professional healthcare provider.            


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